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Why is a Karmic clearing important right now and how does the Earth affect our DNA Activation level?


We are directly connected to the Earth and exist as part of the Earth. Like a baby that is in their mother’s womb, the body of the mother is actually the OUTER body of the baby. So anything that happens to the mother forms an energetic imprint and affects the child. For example, if the mother smokes or drinks alcohol during the pregnancy, this goes directly to the child and forms imprints, which may manifest as physical birth deformities or genetic problems which eventually manifest into physical disease.

What are the reported benefits and results of a Karmic clearing?


Karmic clearing removes the energetic blockages to you embodying your higher self, Over-soul consciousness, Avatar self, and Rishi - the part of you closest to Source or God. So consciousness expansion is one of the main benefits and after the sessions, you will be more aware of everything, especially what your purpose is and why you incarnated here at this point in "time". You will start to become aware or see things that others cannot see some of the hidden agendas going on and how to make decisions to help you and your family in the best way possible. Your dormant brain functions will start to become active, especially your pineal gland.

By Sonia Salinas

How long does it take to notice the effects from the sessions?


It really depends on the person. Everyone is different and is at a different level of spiritual evolution.

I have noticed the following. Some people notice the effects immediately after the session, have spontaneous healing and miraculous realizations occur immediately, while others have reported consciously seeing the results anywhere from 1 to 5 days after the session.


When I say you become one with God, what exactly do you mean by this? And how does this help one manifest thing?


In reality, we are all just forgotten Gods. We are all one being and one consciousness and everything in the universe and all universes is part and exists within ONE consciousness identity.

It has feelings, desires, intentions, and free will.


What type of healing occurs after having a Karmic clearing?


Spontaneous healing can occur at the time of activations. These usually have to do with acute physical and emotional disorders. After the activations, there is a purification process that begins to detoxify the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. There have been many patients who have cured themselves of cancer and other serious diseases after having the DNA activations.

Will I feel anything while the Karmic clearing Activation is happening?


YES! It depends on how sensitive you are to energy, but most people feel the session very strongly as it is happening. You may notice a tingle or some other sensation in the head area (crown chakra). In most cases, people experience a spontaneous physical or emotional healing at the time of the activation. After that, there will be numerous changes in the next few weeks and months. Most people experience an increase in energy, and go through a cleansing process. DNA Activation is an eternal process and you will notice changes throughout your life from these sessions.


How do you have a Karmic clearing?


You and your DNA Practitioner, Sonia Salinas, set your intent to receive this gift. There are specific pre-session instructions that must be done as well. The activations are all done remotely so it doesn't matter where in the world you live



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