Dear hearts,
I have come to earth for you humble, with out ego, without judgement, allow me to speak to yourheart from my heart, to help you to raise your vibration as for this would be the only way that we would be able to save our planet earth.
Because when you chose to raise your frequency for yoursel with love, this vibration will shift any damage you have made into yourself, as well as in the multiverse. We are entering into the new era, the magnificent era of Aquarius, LOVE is The magnificent vibration of creation, is all we need to save the planet and ourselves.
To choose to love out of fear is to choose a state of awareness a state of consciousness.
Sonia Salinas
Certified Parapsychologist, Astrologer and DNA practitioner
My approach is sincere, I is my intention to clear as many souls from their Karma as possible. the information below is not about to sale you something; This will defy my pure intent of helping people.
As for this is not the type of energy I work with, instead I like to offer you my services and ask of you to consider something before to get into this process,
My mission on Earth is to promote inner peace, wealthness, love and abundance to help in the collective awareness and the awakening of humanity at this important time in human history.
This fascinating subject will help you to experience your reality from higher levels of awareness by living in abundance, Wealthiness and freedom from your own belief.
Clear your Karma now and watch...
...your new life unfold !
Karma Clearing session
Karmic imprints are energy frequencies inherited from ancestry and the genetic parents, the Earth collective Karma and the J Seals all this are distortion of energy that every person has at birth. This session, would clear all the blockages inherited and created by you imprinted from your morphogenetic field.
This will assist you to be inline with the ability to manifest your noble desires in life. As well as a new grid of people, time things end events that will match the higher consciousness frequencies you will be carrying.
The only way to truly invoke permanent, positive changes in yourself is to change your blueprint of life within your DNA at this time in human histore, without DNA Karma Clearing the body will continued reject the frequency send to us from the Sun.